Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eagle or Seagull?

Eagles are mighty predators. They soar high above their territory. Eagles see the whole picture and from that global view, zone in on their target. With one confident, effortless swoop, an eagle dives to the mark, and then lands a large prize.

Seagulls, on the other hand, are known scavengers. They aimlessly roam the beach in droves. Without a plan, they peck at scraps (and the occassional unfortunate crab scuttling by) .

Following an afternoon fighting amongst themselves for skimpy meals of soggy popcorn and cracker bits, seagulls strut off to the boardwalk to see what casts-offs they can be first to claim.

Apply this analogy to your job search.

Are you wondering around during the week, looking for “Help Wanted” signs in shop windows? Do you scan the job classifieds and then fire off your qualifications to each and every company within a 50 mile radius? Do you gaze at shooting stars, wishing somebody would just interview you already?

If you are guilty of any of the above, you may be a seagull.

Sure, every now and again a toddler may drop 2/3 of a soft pretzel, and you'll get lucky. In the long run, however, not you're not focusing in on the goal.

In addition, you may not be doing enough to distinguish yourself from the pack to secure a bigger piece of the pie.

How do you ensure you're approaching your job search like an eagle?

For starters, sign up today for advanced, targeted, specific job alerts through internet search free services like You'll get a good overview of what's happening jobwise in your industry and specified geographic location.

If you are already doing this, consider yourself well on your way to conducting your job search like an eagle.

If, however, your currently finding yourslf more in the seagull catagory, no worries.

Just check back here often. I’ll share tricks and tips in upcoming posts to help you spread your wings and soar.

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